Scirge identifies successful phishing attacks that target corporate credentials by analyzing patterns of password reuse and leveraging OSINT indicators like phishing domain age. Since Scirge doesn't rely on signatures or well-known app databases, Shadow IT monitoring capabilities can be leveraged to detect phishing campaigns that imitate Microsoft, Google Workspace, and other corporate cloud services. Unlike network or endpoint-based solutions, Scirge can detect when Active Directory, Microsoft Entra, or Google Workspace passwords are entered on malicious phishing sites, even if traditional defenses failed to prevent it in the first place.
Example: If an employee accidentally enters their corporate credentials on a newly registered phishing site, Scirge correlates the suspicious activity with domain metadata and alerts IT teams immediately for follow-up actions.
Scirge provides dynamic and manual rules to identify and manage potentially harmful or unsupported cloud applications. IT administrators can configure alerts and notifications to be sent to employees through various channels, raising awareness about Shadow IT and phishing-associated applications.
Example: When a user accesses a risky cloud service mimicking a legitimate SaaS application on a freshly registered domain, Scirge sends an alert with actionable guidance, helping users understand why the app is flagged and how to avoid similar threats.
Deliver phishing and cybersecurity awareness messages through multiple communication channels. Scirge’s Personal Dashboard, in-browser notifications, and emails help ensure employees are informed in real-time. API-based workflows integrate seamlessly with tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and SMS services for quick delivery of critical alerts to both users and administrators.
Example: A user receives an email alert after entering credentials on a flagged site. At the same time, IT teams are notified via Teams for immediate incident response.
Target awareness campaigns and alerts based on user roles, departments, or technical backgrounds. Scirge ensures that employees receive messages tailored to their knowledge level and responsibilities, improving engagement and comprehension.
Example: IT staff may receive detailed technical alerts about a potential phishing Shadow IT website, while general staff are provided with simplified instructions on how they can help solve open issues and secure their accounts.
Scirge gives organizations the tools to discover and manage Shadow IT by tracking where and how corporate credentials are used across SaaS, supply-chain, GenAI, and other web applications. It helps discover Shadow SaaS and Shadow AI, and identify risks like password reuse, shared accounts, and phishing, while providing real-time awareness messages, automated workflows, and actionable insights.