Tap into historical browsing metadata to determine which websites and cloud services employees have accessed. Immediately discover supply chain portals, SaaS, Shadow IT, and Shadow AI apps in use across the entire organization, within specific business units, or by individual employees and contractors.
Browser-saved credentials can reveal applications and accounts employees have used, even if those applications are no longer active. Identify underutilized or abandoned accounts that could lead to security breaches or unnecessary expenses.
Correlate historical usage data across your organization to identify the most utilized Shadow IT applications and cloud services. IT teams get instant insights to prioritize tasks, optimize resources, and reduce SaaS-related risks and costs.
Historical Shadow IT discovery is possible with a lightweight script—no need to deploy agents, browser extensions, or configure API connections. Gain comprehensive visibility into SaaS, Shadow IT, and Shadow AI usage without disrupting workflows or requiring installations on user devices.
Scirge gives organizations the tools to discover and manage Shadow IT by tracking where and how corporate credentials are used across SaaS, supply-chain, GenAI, and other web applications. It helps discover Shadow SaaS and Shadow AI, and identify risks like password reuse, shared accounts, and phishing, while providing real-time awareness messages, automated workflows, and actionable insights.